Stop in for a cup of coffee

I hear ya. Been there done that. In college, I worked full time third shift, 9pm to 6am, ROTC at 645-830, classes started at 9am and went until 3pm. I slept in my truck more than my apartment for those first 3 years. I can't do that stuff anymore. Found that out a couple months ago when I attempted a 17 hour drive thru the night, made it 13 hours before having to pull over and get a hotel at about 5 am in the morning

2 years ago I learned that I couldn’t do the looooong days anymore, I was the walking dead for about 6 months.

I’d get up around 5am, work as a mechanic till 3, go to my second job until 9pm, come home and do body work/paint cars till 2-3am, nap till 5am and do it all over again... 6 months of that and I couldn’t do it anymore. The second job was knocked out of the equation.