Magnum shortblock capability.

Just trying to figure out where the limitations realy are on a subject that i find intresting. LA engines are getting harder to find and Magnums are still very available,and figure these things could be built oldschool as in add cam and compression to make up for lack of headflow and cubes,remember there was a time when strokercranks where just as rare as good heads and how things where built back then.

But since you ask i would like to start with that i believe that your 4" stroker is probably beating up the block harder at 7000rpm than a 3.31 crank engine will do at 7500rpm.
Would also like to add that i believe that if you took the topend and camshaft of your sons 360 and put it on a 318 it would probably be shifted somewhere around7200rpm due to how these smaller engines extend their productive rpmrange uppwards and how they tend to not nose over as hard as bigger engines does,unless valveshrouding gets realy bad so its not all irrelevant realy.
I respect your knowledge and both your car and your sons are very impressive but i hope you can think alitle outside the box here.

You are correct as you often are!
I may take one of them things there at some point mostly trying to figure out what the real limitations realy are at present before i comit on a direction since i have not fully descided on where my next enginebuild is going and have no rush to get there but i have sort of got the impression that Magnums can take alitle more than the older LA stuff.

Thats some usefull information,thank you!

I was at a race at Keystone several years ago and was introduced to one of the guys that worked on the Ritter small block mopar. We sipped a few adult drinks together around the campfire a couple of nights bs'ing of coarse about Mopars. I enjoyed the heck out of listening to him and one of his big gripes was that most, not all but most Mopar guys insisted on building "stroker smallblocks." He being a stock or super stock racer knew what the smaller engines were capable of. That kinda etched a mark in my brain so I have a .040 360 block on a spare stand that I bought a couple of years ago. I tried to buy a stock stroke chevy journal crank as the one that came with it was a cast 360 crank cut down to chevy size. That kinda scares me because I want to push this build HARD. I talked to Molnar so far and checked out Ohio crank with zero luck. Seeing how easily my Sons Duster at 3200 pounds runs 10.30's with a 600 lift roller has me thinking 9.50's is doable at 2860 in my Duster without beating on it to hard.