Magnum shortblock capability.
I am curious as to why cutting down 2.125 to 2.100 would cost much at all? Why not just cut down a forged unit? Or did they just not think their forged cranks would handle 700 HP? (That is a lot of 'juice' through a 360 LOL)
For a regular sold journal crank, the strength loss going to 2.100" is pretty trivial, at least for the more 'static' type of stresses on the crank like journal bending and twist. But, I'll guess you'll be turning some really high RPM's for this goal....and that gets into different 'dynamic' problems that I can't start to work. But I very seriously doubt that losing .025" in the crankpin will make any difference there; those dynamic problems are addressed more in the overall crank design.
FWIW as a side note..... the thing I 'discovered' today buried in the materials numbers was that the fatigue strength goes up several times higher for steel vs cast iron. So it is under that repetitive hammering from the pistons and rods where the forged holds up.