Stop in for a cup of coffee

Got a turkey story. This is a true story,none of the names have been changed to protect the guilty.

Sister putting on thanksgiving dinner.
We travelling in from out of the city. I call and ask if there is any last minute items she needs.
“Yes, i wasnt paying attention and boiled off the juice so we cant make gravy. Could you please go to grocery store and buy a couple jars of gravy? “
Sure. First for me ,but what do i know.
3 grocery stores, no gravy. Either dont have or couldnt find it.
KFC! I know they have gravy....
Walk in to kfc and ask for a couple large gravy...
“Would you like a straw with that?”:rofl:

Aparrently the young lady had been waiting some time to ask that question.
I hope you smiled at her and said “yes”.
