Stop in for a cup of coffee

That kinda reminds me of a story from my past work experience. About 20 years ago, my company was developing a new feminine anti-fungal formulation. I was sent to the Pharmacy to buy every competitive anti-fungal, anti-yeast and antibiotic treatment on the shelf.

I took over 50 different medications to the counter and paid for them. The girl working behind the counter just stared at me but didn’t ask any questions.

A couple of weeks later, the question arouse about compatibility with condoms so I was sent back to the Pharmacy to buy every kind of condom available for compatibility testing.

As I was checking out with a several dozen different boxes of all kinds of condoms, I realized it was the same girl clerk. She quietly rung me up...but just stared at me without asking questions.

I grinned at her and said “Well. Now that that nasty infection is cleared up...I’m back in action!”

Then I just grabbed my bag of condoms, winked, and left.
