Stop in for a cup of coffee

That kinda reminds me of a story from my past work experience. About 20 years ago, my company was developing a new feminine anti-fungal formulation. I was sent to the Pharmacy to buy every competitive anti-fungal, anti-yeast and antibiotic treatment on the shelf.

I took over 50 different medications to the counter and paid for them. The girl working behind the counter just stared at me but didn’t ask any questions.

A couple of weeks later, the question arouse about compatibility with condoms so I was sent back to the Pharmacy to buy every kind of condom available for compatibility testing.

As I was checking out with a several dozen different boxes of all kinds of condoms, I realized it was the same girl clerk. She quietly rung me up...but just stared at me without asking questions.

I grinned at her and said “Well. Now that that nasty infection is cleared up...I’m back in action!”

Then I just grabbed my bag of condoms, winked, and left.


That reminds me of a story from one of my past work experiences...

When I worked at the truck plant, we were responsible for tape stripes which were on the two tone trucks to help cover the paint break line between the two colors... My counterpart arranged for us to get a tour of the paint shop with one of the paint engineers... He told us an interesting story of one of his issues that he had to work on:

They were getting some intermittant fish eyes in some of the paint jobs that they were able to narrow down to just after break... He was given the task to identify what was causing it... They sent a sample of the swabs from one of the fish eyes in the paint to be analyzed in a lab and they were given a list of "ingredients" that it was made of... He then had to go to the drug store and look through all of the products to see which ones had these chemicals in it... He finally found that it was from "Jerry Curl"...

Then watching the operators after they got back from break, they found out who was causing the problem, as one of the black guys would spritz his hair with some Jerry "Curl after getting back from break and some of the spray that was still in the air would settle on the bodies and cause the paint to fish eye for the next few trucks that passed through that station...

They had to address the issue very delicately so as not to offend the guy as it could have been seen as racial harassment....