Stop in for a cup of coffee

:drama: :bs_flag:

Doesn't say that. 'Toxin' appears nowhere on the page.
Turkey Basics: Safe Thawing
and your counter is what? 55-65* at best?

Or a foody TV/tradio/net shows like the Splendid Table or Milk Street or any number of shows that are into cooking tasty, yummy food.
as opposed to sanitized, bland, dried out guarenteed 'safe' food with half the nutrients removed.

55-65 for probably 12-14 hours. A replacement is only 5-6 bucks. If there's any left tomorrow haha. If not, oh well.
Oh really

That doesn't even make sense, now I know you are making **** up.

Happy Thanksgiving
it was the go to name for that area back in the 70s and 80s