Stop in for a cup of coffee

There is a hole in my heart where the pain comes in.

Try as I might, it’s hard to keep from crying over my father’s life coming to an end.

I have distracted myself all I no avail.

There is nothing that can ever prepare you for finally having to say good bye...not even seeing it coming.

It's hard...

My dad was fighting Lymphoma and the first rounds of Chemo weren't helping... They were going to put him on a stronger round after that, but he collapsed from a blood vessel breaking in his head and bled to death in the neighbor's driveway after bringing her mail to her front door.... We weren't expecting to loose him so fast...

When I found out and it started to sink in that my dad was gone, I had this empty feeling come over me where I felt like I was now alone in the world....

At least you know the end is near and have a chance to say your goodbyes and let him know how important he was in your life... I never got to do that...

Say what you need to tell him before he's gone and you won't be able to any more...