Opinions please
Don't guess learn how to troubleshoot. You can download a 73 shop manual for free from MyMopar. That manual and several others over there came from the efforts of guys right here
Also "somewhere" is a poor quality wiring section for 74.
Free service manuals
You need "at the least" a multimeter which you can buy at any auto parts store, hardware store, Lowe's or HD or even Horrid Freight
Start by examining the condition of the ignition system. Pull the cap and rotor and examine for dirt, moisture, foreign materials, "tracking" around the inside of the contacts, and damage and "punch through" of the rotor. Examing the reluctor and pickup for damage, heavy rust and debri
Next get/ rig yourself a spark tester. I use a Lisle as it is adustable, less than 10 bucks
lisle 50850 spark tester - Google Search
1....Do not test by jumpering the starter relay to crank the engine. This changes the power path to the ignition system and leads you astray
2...Do not use the existing coil wire, as it might be a resistance wire and could be defective. Put your spark tester connected to the coil tower to the engine block
3.....Take your multimeter and connect to the coil + and watch it when you crank the engine USING THE key. You should show AT LEAST 10.5 V or more as it is cranking or more
The system should produce nice blue snappy sparks at least 3/8" and more typically 1/2" long
It is much more likely that the coil is going "somewhat bad" than the ignition module.