Stop in for a cup of coffee

I have lost my father by degrees. 6 years ago, he had a stroke that was very localized and took out his ability to speak, but every thing else was unaffected. I could communicate with him for about a year after that before the Alzheimer’s progressed too far to make it possible.

2 years later, and he only recognized me about half the time. 2 years after that and it was only about 25% of the time. We have faithfully continued his care and moved him to the best facilities as his condition progressed. 3 months ago, he had no idea who I am...only barely acknowledging my presence.

Now, it’s not even that.

6 years of watching the man disappear like an ever fading photograph that I am powerless to stop.

To lose him is hard have him taken from me and my family one degree at a time over 6 years is just cruel.

I only hope he eventually finds peace without pain along the way.