Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning everyone.

So. Yesterday was exciting. I went out to run an errand at lunch. Truck didnt feel right, then suddenly wasnt. I pulled off the frontage road to find the tire rod pulled out of the coupler sleeve. Upon inspection, the threads were all gone and the sleeve bolts were loose. I have put 1000 miles on the truck since the alignment was done. 500 being last weekend and had just run the freeway to work. If I hadn't went out at lunch, it would have broke on the way home at 75mph! Shop that did the work sent a flatbed and loaner. Should be fixed by EOB today.
I always check things with a torque wrench when I get my stuff aligned. Wife says I'm nuts but right there is why. back in highschool, had a friend driving me to lunch one day in her Saturn. Just had an alignment and suspension work the day before, ball joint came out driving down the road and we side swiped a parked truck.