Stop in for a cup of coffee

Work is getting to be a hassle... :icon_fU:

I keep giving 100% and they keep pushing me for more.... Now they are going to "write me up" if I don't get the material from our warehouse loaded on my second truck by 11 PM... Trouble with that is some of the departments don't get it done in time and it makes me late, they need to get control of their warehouse... Not to mention the stuff that comes from the other 5 trucks from other branches that we have to unload and then load on my truck... :BangHead:

My lead got me so pissed of yesterday that I had the hydraulics for the forks smoking and was on two wheels turning a few corners... Not anything that our dept lead does himself, except for the smoking hydraulics and on two wheels on a turn, but he beats the hell out of the equipment... I try not to, but if that's how they want me to work, then that is what they will get... :icon_fU:

Then they had a "meeting" with me and I told them that I will have to stop doing things for others and focus on doing my job... Let the other bastards load their own wood for loading the trucks which I have been "taking one for the team" for a few months now... These people are adults, they can get their own supplies... Not to mention that we are the only ones that load the wood on the docks, the other shifts just steal it from the ones that do and leave us empty... :icon_fU:

I've been applying to job postings this morning so I can hopefully get out of this one....