Stop in for a cup of coffee

If you need any help or get stuck, let me know. It's what I do daily. What program are you using?

Thanks Chris.... :thumbsup:

I use AutoCAD and Inventor.... I have lost some of the AutoCAD 3D since they led us down the Inventor path for 3D, but I like some of the features in AutoCAD 3D where you can check for balance and make it balanced for situations where you use a key slot etc... Plus I like using the layers in AutoCAD where you can turn them off to help keep the drawings from getting too cluttered up...

I'm very solid on AutoCAD 2D and Inventor 3D...

My son's friend also downloaded a copy of Solidworks on my computer... I want to watch some videos on youtube on one screen and practice on the other to learn Solidworks as that has a high demand on the postings that I've seen....