Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yeah, but I haven't gotten any nibbles on that...

I keep practicing the drawings from class every few months to keep what I have, but I want to review some tutorials and get to know the software capabilities to their maximum...

I have experience in design, testing, quality, and manufacturing lines, but I'm having trouble getting back into that...

I had two changes alone at my engine plant job that saved the company over $750,000 per year...

We error proofed the short block part of the assembly line with my error proofing team of skilled trades and tool engineer, electrical engineer, and tool designer to prevent wrong parts from getting in the wrong engine... We put a machine just after the pistons were installed that checked stroke on every cylinder and could catch wrong crank, wrong connecting rod, and even a missing bearing shell could be caught...

We also put a machine in to check the bore size and write it to the RF tag on the pallet to eliminate the wrong crank from being loaded if the block was mis-dentified... They had a stripe on one of the engines to tell it apart from the smaller one... If the block machine line went down for a while and the paint nozzles that sprayed the paint dried up and clogged, the stripe would not be on the larger blocks and would be entered by the operator as the wrong engine... Then once in a while people do make mistakes, so it eliminated the clogged paint and operator error from putting the wrong engine size in the pallet and the proper crank would be loaded in the automatic crank load station...

Sounds a lot like what the ME (manufacturing engineers) do here at work. Maybe look into those areas as well.