post your worst idea thread

Thank you for your service...can I have my tax dollars back please?
9 guys per bunk room, within the 9 bunks is about 6 feet by 6 feet. snoring, ****, somebody's music or movie blaring, funk smelling feet or B.O., waking up or going to bed loudly while you attempted to sleep on a 2-4 inch thick mattress on steel,

the guys in the top racks grab overhead piping and swing/pull themselves into their racks, or grab and drop (THUMP) down, guys in the bottom racks crawl in on all 4 into their coffin racks, fast boat guys share two beds to three men- 1 guy on watch, two others split two bunks-AND STORAGE SPACE, NO ALARM CLOCKS - so messengers, and other watch standers come into this tiny bunk room and try to wake up one guy near 8 others or so. & the new messengers ARE DUMB- yelling in the middle of the bunkroom at the beginning of the 'run' (deployment) and often in the wrong bunkroom yelling somebody else's name into your rack curtain

the waves tossing you around near the surface (in a steel tube) or under a hurricane, getting dressed-sprinting, getting into a firefighter's outfit-sprinting to the scene of a fire...arriving in 5 minutes the fire fighter's ensemble (super thick insulative coveralls) don't work well with boots and we don't have 'jumper zip boots' some fools continue to wear their tennis shoes, but fires get HOT's going to be hard to leave the good men I worked with. After cleaning, drills, cleaning, training, maintenance, food, cleaning, sleep -there's still administrative paper work regarding maintenance, safety, security, drills, monitors of maint/drills/training for tactical sub tracking, missile launch, and reactor operations -each with entirely different Navy guidance and requirements for equipment and crew