Stop in for a cup of coffee
It’s going to be a melancholy day tomorrow. We are moving the last of my Dad’s physical possessions out of his care facility into a storage unit.
Since the dickering began of who gets what of these items within 24 hours of his death, I put my foot down and instituted a 90 day hold period before anyone can ask for anything. After that, people will have to petition the executor of the will for what they might like to have...and will only get whatever the executor decides they can have after hearing all petitions. The decision of the executor will be final and indisputable.
Otherwise, I told them all, in no uncertain terms, that I will tie this thing up in probate so long that they will be lucky if their grandchildren ever see a resolution by the time THEIR children retire.
Most of them agree that I am right without resistance, but my younger sister is the weasel that refuses to play nice. No problem, I have a special civil suit in store for her that will drain her finances to zero if she fights, and I have no reservations about doing it.
She has no idea who she’s dealing with.