Jpar, note the front nacelle on the nap time bike. Figured you would enjoy some background. I did not have enough money to buy a real nacelle, I built the bike from a whole bunch of parts laying around clubhouse. To the point that it was called the "Frankenbike" So one evening in a fit of Hoppy infused ingenuity I fabricated the Nacelle. Flat top, rolled front. If you look close you can even see the stitch mark scar ( wife's toe nail polish) in upper left just like the movie. Complete with the largest Stainless steel bolts I had in the shop for the neck bolts! I figured if the brothers were going to relentlessly bust my nuts I would show them a real Frankenstein bike! The neck bolts proved invaluable to lash sleeping bag to! And as always nothing but straight pipes! Set off every car alarm! Hah! I am much better now ( read older!) and even ride one with shocks! Of course it is Sublime! More like a rolling couch than a bike!