Do you use the self serve checkouts?

The whole New Jersey/Oregon gas pumper thing is a total jerkoff of an idea. Those fuckers don't check the oil, fill the tires or wipe the windshield so why should I let them pump the gas? Because it is the law? SOME laws are dumb as **** and I refuse to abide as long as I can get away with it.

Last time I was in Jersey I had a Coke explode on the dash of my pick up after spending a few hours in the parking lot of Maguire's Air Force Base changing the rear in my sister's ex's Volare.

Needed gas on the way out and joked with this gorgeous blonde about the inside of my windshield needed cleaning.

For me it was a joke. For her, it was a tip. She grabbed the spray bottle of cleaner, a roll of paper towels and jumped in the truck.

Let's just put it this way: nice legs, in the air as she knelt on the seat after a few hours on black top on a 90° day made it all worth it.

My only regret is I was a young man at the time and lived five hours away.