Creative/Artistic Mind Needed

I'll give it a shot (never went to a high school prom myself).

The “formal” black/gold color scheme reminds me of a senior getting all dressed up and ready to take the Prom Queen to the dance.

Prom Virgin Dart or Prom Virgin Ride

(or Prom Virgin ... Arrow, Bolt, Bound, Break, Charge, Dash, Dive, Flash, Gallop, Leap, Missile, Projectile, Rear, Run, Rush, Scamp, Scamper, Scoot, Scramble, Scurry, Sprint, Start, etc.)

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Story behind foto:
Prom Queen With Severely Burned Skin: 'I Feel Good About Myself'


I hate to be that asshole, but with her looks? Smokin' comes to mind.