Electric choke wire hookup
Ok I’m just confused some people say it could cause a meltdown connecting there at the ballest resistor
There is only 1 blue wire. It originates at ignition switch. It is not fused. It branches to everything in the engine bay that requires switched 12 volts, Including the horn through 67 model.
"Meltdowns" are typical to weak or corroded terminals/connections and usually limited to right there. Bulkhead terminals, the white connector after column mounted ignition switch, white connector in engine bay harness are three examples of typical factory terminal meltdowns. None of those meltdowns are directly related to a electric choke.
It's a short circuit that melts a wire from here to yonder. And a terminal/connector meltdown can short one circuit into adjacent, melting wires here to yonder. Chit happens, even in OEM wiring harnesses.
That piggy back male spade terminal shown in post #39 appears to be sufficient. Whether at the ballast resistor as shown or back of alternator, same blue wire circuit so dealers choice.
In my opinion, at ballast resistor "looks" best choice. Nothing very close to short circuit into. Properly route it, tape it into the OEM harness, whatever, to prevent chaffing through the wire casing to chassis ground.