Intro to a port job

Did some short turn work laying it back just a hair near the top and also worked the ssr floor hump off of the straight side wall, roof hump, straight wall some more till the push rod pinch 'still untouched' finally became an issue with air speed.... it was stuck at [email protected].... once I opened the pinch it went to 241.5 cfm and through .500 above.
I also pulled the valve and flowed it plugging the guide=238cfm . Its shaped to utilize the valve at the moment...har har .. aka 'showing how bad the valve job is' it actually needs the valve to turn around the seat. Anymore flow? imo its roof and guide that can squeeze a little more cfm...but the potential doesnt really warrant spending too much time, time is must consider the return. Pics are not high quality, I snapped them in a hurry before i wrapped it up last nite...I'll take more and post them.

The current numbers.....increase in cfm
Not scrap, but nothing to write home about.
The .300 is a direct reflection of the valve job I cannot change unless the owner decides to.
Stay tuned.


