The 360 Lives! Lulu is back in action after a 2 year sleep

You guys might know from my profile pic that I have a 73 Custom. the slant finally died and I got permission to do a v-8 swap. I've now got a 360 with x heads, Atomic FI, rebuilt 904 and rebuilt frontend. two years of work culminates in a startup today! thanks to all the guys who sold me parts, gave me advice, berated me for slacking and generally helped me out. Of course there's a laundry list of things still to be ironed out, leaks and wires and hold downs but I started it, broke in the cam and then did a burnout( it will do a burnout on the 14" skinny tire with the 7 inch rear for as long as you hold the gas!) to prove it moves. I'll see you all at the park shows this spring and next time you see a four door, take another look. It might be a better car than you expect.

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You should drive for uber or lift with that badass! Just make sure everything in back is vinyl/rubber so you can hose it out after your passengers **** themselves!