Christmas Traditions (FOOD)

My mom started this Christmas eve lasagna family dinner thing many years ago. Of course her crowd was like 12 at most. Today my sister, my brother, and I share the prep and hold the event for a crowd of over 50 at brothers portrait studio.
Guess who funds and preps the salad? Produce aint cheap in winter. I know my sister and brother buy cheeses and other ingredients when on sale, keep them frozen/stored. Try that with lettuce LOL We did pick up 4 bottles of salad dressings on sale a few weeks ago.
Not complaining though. No cooking required. Wife and I cook 100% of Thanksgiving dinner for the same crowd and serve here in house. I fire up the deep fryer outdoors and cook 8 pounds of breaded okra. We aint for brewing gallons of lasagna sauce a few weeks later. We'll cut up some veggies :)
Ripping up heads of lettuce is like practice for opening presents. Happy holidays to all