360 magnum into my 66 dart

One more thing...

I used my original L-A "V-belt" pulleys and the accessories they drove when I installed the 360 Magnum into my Valiant. I'm not sure whether you want to to do that, or switch over to the serpentine system that came on the Magnum in the other vehicle. If you want to use the V-belts, you need to use an L-A front cover, I think, as I don't believe your accessories will mount to the Magnum front cover... just not 100-percent sure.

At any rate, I'm pretty sure it's "do-able" both ways, with the correct parts; they just all have to match... but, I believe the water pump rotation may be "backwards" with the Magnum front cover and serpentine system. Something you want to get right the first time, for sure...

Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance. Maybe some with more Magnum experience can help us out, here...

Bill, in Conway, Arkansas