Hi volume oil pump vs standard volume pump

The 72 and the 72hv use the same pressure relief spring.
A standard pump with a larger pickup tube will out flow a hv pump with a stock pickup.
If you use a hv pump or install a high pressure spring I would use the intermediate shaft with the hardened tip.
So using a hv pump with a standard pickup tube is not going to do anymore than a standard pump but maybe twist off the end of the drive.
When the bypass kicks in the oil just circulates within the pump it does not go back to the oil pan.
You are correct about the relief circulating oil back within the pump.
Here is a picture of a small block pump that I had with a stuck open relief valve. The discharge side of the pump is at the top. The red arrow shows the relief valve partly stuck in the open position allowing some discharge oil to return back to the suction side of the pump.
