2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

Naw, he is like the kid that pushes twice in elementary and when gets pushed back "teacher, he pushed me - I did nothing, honest".... LOL

They didn't take 2 years of your dead end race off, so I think we are ok ….

Thanks. When we race, we'll video and it will be posted, no matter how fast or slow, no matter who wins or loses. I hope folks understand we are using a mutual "run what ya brung" type of a race, from mostly from what's sitting around. Going faster would be easy, but this will be the most fun for me and Jahababa!
kind of the point of me getting out this race, no one I can really race and no one will really show up and that's been proven so far.
Edit: I forgot if I don't reply about everything 318 Whirlwind says on the internet it all of a sudden becomes internet truth. Number one I never threatened anybody on the schoolyard.