68 Dart Project.

Time for an update on the Dart.

Got busy on the right side quarter panel. This side is only getting a skin. The original panel could have been used over but a new skin ensures no possible rust showing up years down the road.
In this picture you can see the outer tub was split and swelled out. 2 cuts was adequate to get the tub out to within a half inch of the quarter panel. I used the template and cut the old quarter and then shaped the tub to it.

New skin tacked into place. The new skin was cut at the top line and then tucked in behind the existing. When finished, a bead of seam sealer along the inside seals it up, hard to notice it was changed from the inside.

Initial cut marked out from the first template.

First cut made. Second template in place, will mark out and then form a new lip to the line.

Lip formed and tieing in the inner tub to the new lip. Being able to roll the car to a good working angle makes the job a lot easier.

All metal work is done, fenders and doors aligned. Made my 2018 deadline to have all metal work done. 2019 will start out with making it smooth and straight, epoxy and high build primer.

Will be setting up the old poly paint booth once again... in 2019.