New life for an old 340 (stock stroke)

So here's what is kind of stunning really--check the spread from peak torque to peak HP. A typical build will be 1300 RPM between, A pretty good engine will be 1500 RPM, an above average build will be 1700 RPM. Yes the engine has VERY good throttle response and as an added bonus I took exactly 22 litres of fuel in to dyno with and brought exactly 10 litres home and put it in the wife's car. I find that kind of remarkable considering the break-in time alone usually consumes about half of that under the steady state , moderate load 2000-2500 rpms for 15-20 mins conditions. I suppose the small cubes and 650 carb really are the players here. I find this graph displays the spread amazingly well if not starkly. Oh and the PAC-1908 dual spring may be my new fave short install height spring for now. J.Rob
