1966 Dodge Dart

The small anvil and theres a special small hammer came from Eastwood. They were reasonably inexpensive. The pieces I used to get the dents out I made from small round stock I bought and cut to fit then welded together. i would grind the contour I thought I needed on my belt sander. SOme worked and some didnt. It wasnt all success! lol
If this car ever gets done I will have enough work for next winter as I have 5 sets of headlight bezels and 2 spare grills plus plenty of spare trim for a 66.

Thanks for the response on the trim tools. As well, on my 65, 3 sets of trim, two grilles, but, as with the 66, lacking on tail lights. Thanks again. I will let you know when the interior trim from you arrives. Best, and, again, great looking 66. sgrip65