FiTech EFI system

Fuel pressure issue.
38 psi when I prime it, 28 psi when it's idling, 28 psi or less when driving.
Gauge is mounted on one tb.
Corvette Wix filter.
Orange wire direct to pump.
Pump, sending unit, tank, all grounded to a hub via 10ga next to battery, then to battery.
In tank FiTech 40019 pump.

Replaced filter, no change.
Replaced gauge because I meant to order a liquid filled one, no change.
Put gauge on filter out, capped return, psi same.
Called FiTech, verified all settings, they sent a new 340 l/ph pump, no charge.

Checked sock and pump rubber fuel line, fine.
Installed new pump.
Same fuel pressure.
Disconnected line from pump to filter, put gauge on line using a brand new FiTech filter I never used, psi goes to 38 when primed, then back down to zero.

I called FiTech a number of times during this, not just the one mentioned above, everytime I asked about a relay for the pump they told me no, it should provide the correct psi without one.

I believe this has plagued me since new.
I actually bought a Painless fuel pump relay and ran the wiring back to the trunk, but never hooked it up based on their instructions.

I know the obvious is hook up the relay and set the PWM to 100.

Before I do, I will be calling again, just to hear their advice, and provide feedback.

I would think right at the pump the psi should be higher than 38.

