My Dart Swinger Project!

Ok so I got a little work done this morning after work not alot but a little progress is better than none.
I got one head completely disassemble and started cleaning it its actually cleaning up better than i thought i was a little concerned they where very rusty looking but they are staring to look up. I bought a cheap valve spring compressor from ebay and man I gotta tell you this thing is a complete joke. Haha. I know you get what you pay for but I have had pretty good luck with some of the cheaper "harbor freight" Chinese tools but not this one. It literally bent the first time I used it. You can see in the picture both ends are completely adjustable as far as they will go and it wouldn't budge them. It just bent the tool. I finally got it to work id have to tighten it all the way down like pictured and then smack it with a hammer to break them loose then i could get the retainers loose. There is no way this thing is gonna compress new performance springs. Oh well it was 15 bucks i guess it was worth it to just get the disassembly done.
