My 904 pulled from a 318 question

Go get a Harbor Freight, buy a $100 welder, look for converter weights at a trans shop,with blank stares on their faces, choose a spot to hopefully weld them on in the right place, install trans, uninstall trans because everything is out of balance, install, uninstall, start a 10 page thread about vibration under car, uninstall...............


Buy the B&M plate (got mine for $50.00) install, burn rubber.
Case closed.
Lol yea if you dont have a welder I could see that the flex plate is a better option.
Sigh*** once again, Jaw Par. 2 minutes to find you guilty by your own words. Read your OWN words in the quote below... I highlighted it for you. :rolleyes:

Here dartfreak75 ^^^ from your own thread. The guy telling you to pinch the 5 bucks spent 6k on his... LOL :D :D
Now now yall play nice. Haha but yes I see both sides. On one hand its good to buy right part for the job and there is nothing wrong with that. But on the other hand if you have a welder a perfectly good tc and some 360 weights why not make it work. Waste not want not! Be resourceful with what you have and save the 50 dollars for something you can't build.
Like a freaking valve spring tool! Haha
I have had three failed attempts at one of those suckers.