Big Thanks To Auto Custom Carpets / UPS Sucks

Living in a gated community doesn't make anyone immune from the porch pirates. I know who did it, someone, stole 6 boxes containing cylinder heads off my porch... you figure out the value there.

UPS said it was a safe spot, I disagreed. Vendor would not replace, called credit card company... done deal. I'll never deal with the vendor again after what a service rep told me regarding my account. F them!!! UPS pretty much makes me sign for EVERYTHING anymore which is what should be occurring anyways. $5 or $5000... leaving items on porches is STUPID!

My other favorite with UPS was the air grabber box set up I shipped in a very suitable box. Plenty of air space, bubble wrap and peanuts everywhere. Denied, item not shipped in approved manner. Yeah I guess not when you run my box over with a fricken TRUCK!!!! Two big tire tracks across the box. Guess they need a wheel chock or something. I got paid but it took MONTHS!