Designed to drive HEI module plate...

I doubt heat sink is the issue. Actually CHECK your running voltage and see what it is for starters. It's possible the coil has a problem, but works well enough to still run. I didn't even USE a heat sink. On my 67, I mounted the thing (as an experiment) on a flat area of the firewall above the dist. below the wiper motor. Someone had drilled a hole there so I just drilled one more and screwed it on there. Separate ground wire. Make sure your modules are mounting good and flat on the plate, and does it have the hole for the "peg" sticking out?

Should be interesting to check running voltage when I'm not getting spark and can't even get it to sputter :lol:

Jokes aside, I'll do so once I have a module in here that works. I might pull out a spare low-resistance canister coil from my pile of parts to see if - by chance - it fires up with it.

You'll have to explain to me what you mean by the "peg" - it's been a while, plus I've been inside GM dizzys very, very infrequently. The modules in these photos are the ones I've had in the car; the GM-marked one is the one in the car right now:

