Red Headed Stepchild-75 Swinger LSX Swap

Not alot of in progress pictures today unfortunately. Too busy trying to wrap everything up. But I got my couplers in the mail, got my 4 inch tbolt clamp for the intake coupler where it connects to the to the throttle body. Some people use radiator hose clamps but ive grown not to trust the clamping force on those when it comes to boost.

I got the driver side intercooler piping connected and torqued down. Finished connected the new starter wire to the relay and the alternator and main power wire connected to the battery as well.

I still have to pick up two radiator hose clamps, fill the radiator, attach the ground from the battery to chassis in the trunk and connect the 12v key hot to the harness and then finish the vacuum lines for the wastegates, catch cans and blow off valves, then get it tuned.

So not a whole lot left to go. The main reason I wasnt in a rush was I have a 3 way electronic boost controller coming in the mail and wanted that here before I started touring vacuum lines. But cor now here she sits with the catch cans and all back in place. Exhaust dumped for the moment.