Is there a "Master Kit" out there for window felts, weatherstrip, window rubbers?
Just like any part of any component, the supply and demand helps drive the price of the finished product. Just as an example, we were informed back in November 2018 that the pricing for the window felt material on one of our most popular lines would be increasing approximately 300%. This material was being supplied from a OEM vendor for the material, but for our market, the demand to keep the product available did not justify keeping the material on the shelf for this manufacture.
Can we raise our prices by 300% to cover our cost and still obtain sales, NO!!! So we have had to source another manufacture to make the material for us. As a result, material cost will be about 80% more than we were paying for it and there was a $2800 tooling charge and we will not have material until approximately June. And then you have to worry that it will be as correct or better than what you were using.
When you look at the total number of say Novas produced to Darts in 1969, that number is most probably 10 fold if not more. So that is a significant factor in the pricing scenario. The labor to do the said component is basically no different than that of the Mopar line. The materials to do the GM vs the Mopar is very slightly cheaper. But when I can sell 10 sets of Nova felts to 1 Dart set, that is going to impact pricing.
Secondly in regards to competition, many smaller vendors do not have the financial ability to make the initial buy in and maintain yearly sales volume with the large manufactures that carries the majority of the components. They will concentrate on keeping the levels good for one manufacture, but in the end they are not able to have a good enough pricing structure with the other manufacture so as to offer a complete kit.
Look at Steele Rubber, they have very little product sold through Classic, Year One or the other smaller vendors. They pretty much maintain an exclusive on their product line. They manufacture a very good product that will typically be 2 to 2.5 more expensive than say a Metro roof rail seal. To be a part of their dealer network is difficult and few of us are part of it.
Hopefully this gives you some insight into the industry.