Well, the thread title does say it's a "Learning Process..." Honestly, ever since college and working on the SAE Baja Club, working on cars has given me a lot of anxiety with the fear that I will make a mistake or ruin something. It was a very negative environment and every time I messed up someone would either cuss me out or tell me how worthless I was despite the crazy hours I put in. That's why I left the club after 2-3 years despite how successful we were. My physical and mental health declined very quickly. It's pretty difficult for me to deal with even 5 years later. I'll watch car build on Youtube and think to myself, "I can do that! That's easy." Then when the opportunity for something small arises I freak out. I try to be as hands-on as possible and want to be the best engineer/person I can be (I have a Master's in Mechanical Engineering for crying out loud and may possibly pursue a PhD). But even when the small stuff breaks, they always seem like mountains to me and I tend to break down and get discouraged very easily. Confidence in my abilities is still something I'm working on. It always seems like everyone else thinks I can do it, but me. But with everything that happens, I always try to learn something and never want to stop learning. I just have to push myself.
MuuMuu101 was something I thought of in middle/high school. MuuMuu came from the Simpson's episode where Homer tries to be morbidly obese to work from home. He wears a MuuMuu (his dress). I just thought that was a funny episode as a kid and no, I do not wear MuuMuu's. 101 was just an addition to it. I guess a number I liked. Since I used it on one forum my first year of college, I just started using it on multiple forums.
It's funny taking my friends/family to Fall/Spring Fling. Often from a distance someone will be screaming, "Hey MuuMuu! How are you doing?!"