California AB1824 (exhaust system)
Dont worry I'm smart enough to never argue with a LEO. what they say is pretty much fact, even when not.
I just wanted to know how close I was to being over and was very surprised with the numbers I got. Granted it was not a calibrated meter but I did stick the phone right up to the pipe with my buddy holding 3,500 so I'm not super worried about it.
As far as what I would say would go something like this. " yes sir, I understand. Just to let you know I did have my car tested and recorded the entire test."
When I get pulled over I'm fully Yes sir, no sir, thank you sir, hands at 10 and 2, i ask before I reach for my wallet, I inform them of the pocket knife in my pocket, i remove my sunglasses and extinguish my cigar.
I have a few cop friends so I k ow what they like to see and how they like to be treated.
I also agree most likely this is just one more thing they will tack on once they ketch you doing something that they dont like.
I do have concerns that my car is exactly the kinds of car this law is aimed at, (full roll cage, big DOT slicks, front runners, visable fuel cell hanging out the bottom of the trunk and a prostock wing) to be fully honest it is built just for street racing so they wouldn't be wrong for profiling me...