When are you too large for an early A body....
I picked out my wife because she is petite. Told her I figured her to be more economical to feed, smaller appetite! Yea right!! hahahahhah
I am 6 ft and 185-190 #. I have had years ago a lot of E bodies, I disliked how they sat as to the dash and steering wheel. Then I got in to mostly 68-70 B bodies, they fit right, but are somewhat biggish, except the early B bodies felt more "right". I love the smallish of the A bodies. I have a couple of F bodies, which are a little wider, and heavier than the duster, and feel just a little "big" to me., but are small wheelbase as my duster. Never have had a C body, but would love a early "unique looking" 60 car , I think is actually a D car!?
I have flipped a few corvettes back decade ago, I get clostoforbia in them!!!!!