That is why I don't complain too much about the cubicle. Benefits, last time I went to the doctor there wasn't even a co pay. I just told them where I work and they were like, "ok, you're good to go"
Life is funny, well maybe not "funny". After 70 years on this Earth is have formed conclusions, opinions.. the list is long.
You hear the saying, " do what you love for a living, and you never work a day in your life". That is somewhat true, but don't tell that to the person about starving, no insurance, never know what , when , or where the next $ comes from. People will say, if you want to work and honest, and capable.. you will make it OK. All that came be true. You also hear, location, location, location. Everything I relative.
I see people that want to make a business out of their hobby. Yes it happens, but.... if that was so easy, everyone would quit their job and make $$$ at their hobby!!!!
I myself, I have been up and I have been down. When times were hard, they were very hard. When times where good, I was a happy man. When I was down, I was still happy, just scared!!
I made a promise to myself maybe 50 years go, that I would always work hard to have what I want and do what I want... but I would NOT work till I was so old that when I retired, and I had the time and $ to do those things, but was to damn old to do an of it!! Some work at same job hating it, thinking all those decades about retirement, just to DIE before they got there! My three best friends in life did what they wanted for a living, were happy guys. They never had a chance to retire... they never saw past 55.