Keep it stock, or make it your own?

I had original ,when they were new or nearly new.
But you know, the first thing we did with them, as soon as we could afford it, was to make them our own..... In summer of 1969 I turned 16, I had just completed grade 9, and also got a Driver's License. By June I was the proud owner of a sweet 57 Belaire. Before school started in fall, the engine had been out and in, for a freshening, the WCFB 4bbl was on it, and she was wearing a sweet-N-loud dual exhaust system. So much for original. Grade 10 here I come!
In fall of 70 I purchased a very low mileage 70Swinger 340 4-speed car. Immediately I began saving to make it my own, and in spring of 71 it started.
Those cars are history.
In 99 my final hurrah hit the road. I built it for me and for my young son who was coming 16, to dribedachit out of; and that is what we did. Oh sure, we took it to a few shows, parking it out in the back row, as non-competitors. This car was in mint condition after I finished; everything like new.We would wander around for a while, then, like the wind, we were gone. This car was built to run, and run it we did. I told my son; "it's just a car, but try not to destroy it". We both put our share of character blemishes on her, but she never needed professional repair. We both remember those next 4 years with tremendous fondness, then, like the wind, he was gone, became a man, and gone out on his own. Then he bought his own vehicles and destroyed some of those. He's got two baby boys of his own now, and the circle of life goes on.
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Make it your own, I vote.