TM5 versus Torker and 340 Torker

One thing that I didn't see anyone mention about the Offy Port-O-Sonic is that the popsicle stick mod is to fix distribution issues when using a Thermoquad. They said the Holley Strip Dominator didn't need them. Apparently using a square bore Holley carb on either one doesn't cause issues because that's what they were originally designed for.

Just swapping intakes isn't always going to prove which is better. Each intake has varying degrees of jetting and other adjustments that it likes best.
In following up on the intake manifolds, I opened up the engines books and with the M1 single plane and STOCK (key word there) production head, 2 fuel dams for runners 4 & 5 @ 3/8 height and a Holley 750 was used. No other information about any other carb.

The W2 intake manifold was converted to an old intake and used on (as cast) stock W2 heads and a 750 carb.