Stop in for a cup of coffee

Meh, that's high. I've got 3 now, 318 poly motor and trans combos I bought for a 150 bucks. There's no market for them really. I got them mainly for the internals of the push button transmissions and the cables on the transmissions.

They are a cool set up, and ya I agree way to high of a price from others I have seen around here. Seems to be a lot of core engines go for at least $250 or higher here. Very very rare to find anything under that. Not sure why?!?!

good morning Ramee !! Cold enough for y'all up there ? Hope all is well for everyone. Friggen cold here in the deep south..
Good Morning! Ya, it was supposed to be warmer today, but its still -23 right now and I believe real feel is -30ish. Saturday its supposed to be a high of 43... WTF!!