Stop in for a cup of coffee

They are a cool set up, and ya I agree way to high of a price from others I have seen around here. Seems to be a lot of core engines go for at least $250 or higher here. Very very rare to find anything under that. Not sure why?!?!

Good Morning! Ya, it was supposed to be warmer today, but its still -23 right now and I believe real feel is -30ish. Saturday its supposed to be a high of 43... WTF!!
I see people asking those prices all the time, they usually stay listed for 6-7 months, then suddenly its "come get it or I'm scrapping it" mode. Only poly's worth 250-500 these days are the the factory 4 barrel intake ones or the dual quads. Those manifolds alone will fetch upwards of 700 for the single and a grand for the dual, without carbs