Stop in for a cup of coffee

So where is Karl? @krazykuda You OK.? Hope not too banged up. I assume you are good, and working too many hours, since you are not here.
I know I was feeling beat up for a good week even without any 'injuries'. I did have a little soreness in my leg and neck first couple days. Think I banged my leg on steering wheel. That seemed to be near gone a couple days later. Not even a bruise. As for my neck, just a little sore on right side. No reason to think its anything more than a bit of a pulled muscle. Think that's pretty much back to normal. Didn't even notice it for a few days, but slight soreness with the cold this morning. I did open a medical claim right after the accident- just in case.

Karl was pulling long shifts and rocking a rental car last post I think? Sounded like he was ok physically from the wreck, but who knows. Many times car wreck body trauma takes a day or two to settle in. I miss his sense of humor!

I'm fine physically, just pissed at myself for getting in the accident... Just tired and trying to catch up on sleep if I can... They made us come into work yesterday, but it was slow... They promised to buy us pizza for lunch if we came in, then backed out when 3/4 of the shift showed up... Third shift got free pizza for half of them showing up... The warehouse was at 42° F inside all night and felt like some parts were below that... OSHA requirements are that it has to be above 45° F or they can be fined and forced to send us home... But if they do that, we probably would loose out on pay.... :mob:

Trying to find a good daily driver nearby if possible... Had a lead on a Buick for a good price, but the owner did not reply to us and then sold it a couple hours later... It was only listed for 15 hours... The good ones get scooped up fast, you have to jump on them when you get the chance... :mad:

Trying to find another good deal... some of the sellers do not reply - craigslist... :BangHead: