Stop in for a cup of coffee

As long as you are ok, the rest will work itself out. What happened may I ask?

I was turning into the burrito place after work and did not notice a pick up truck coming... Tried to stop, but the streets still had some snow and ice (It was in the single digits or negative temp at the time) and I slid into his door, he then slid off the road and the other door of his truck took out a street light... He still slid a few more feet after taking out the street light before stopping... He may have been speeding, but I can't prove it.... I saw the street light go sideways, the light go out, then it fell away from his truck...

My car is driveable, but due to the age of it, the insurance company will most likely total it... The hood, driver fender, fascia, and bumper bar are damaged, but the pass fender is not touched... No airbags went off... I drove the car home....