Stop in for a cup of coffee

No doubt it is more critical on the newer stuff. But, even in by old Plymouth FSM I have never seen reference to a 'smidge' or a 'c*** hair' :D
Much as I like smidges and c***hairs each bolt has a tensile coefficient based on it mass, dimensions and composition and when stretched to near its tensile cofficient it becomes a spring that locks itself in place. Stretched beyond tensile, it fails, Not stretched to tensile, it's just a bolt. It's why I've been riding Yamahas for years; they have the best dang bolts, and when ya' tighten them to tensile, they do NOT fall out, plus they come out easy when relieved. As opposed to, say, old Triumphs and BSA's, in which cases they just come out when they want to, which is always when it's either (A) when you're furthest from a service location, (2) when it will cause you the most trouble or (Ω) both.