35% off SpeedMaster

Tested on my bench in 8/17, an unported Speedmaster SB head, ootb, on a 4.00 bore was 261/[email protected] lift.

I think John Cadamore had one on his bench at some point as well.
Tested on my bench in 8/17, an unported Speedmaster SB head, ootb, on a 4.00 bore was 261/[email protected] lift.

I think John Cadamore had one on his bench at some point as well.

No I never tested a Speedmaster Head. I did a write-up on a set of ProMax and Edelbrock heads and the ProMax head flowed way better and the quality was 10 times better than the crap Edelbrock is shoving out the door now. On my bench my out of the box flow numbers are almost identical to Ryan’s at Shadydale Racing. 243 max flow. I’ve maxed out at 318 cfm with a 2.08 valve so far (stay tuned).