Magnum wiring help

Is your motor/harness from an OBDI or OBDII system? I have read that 95 was a transition year from 1 to 2, but don't know that as fact. There is a member here, 393 Foureyedfox, or something to that effect who can make OBDI harnesses to work in old car. He uses factory harnesses, and converts them. I am putting a 98 model 5.9 in my old beater truck, and plan on doing my own harness. I haven't put forth a lot of effort yet as far as research, but others have said it takes 5 or 6 wires to make the OBDII system I have to work in an older vehicle. You can bet that I will share every ounce of info when I figure it out! I offered to pay someone who WAS in the Magnum conversion business for a wiring schematic, but he wasn't interested in making money for something that simple! His harnesses were more profitable.....until he went out of business! Good luck to you, and try looking at threads in this forum about 4 or 5 pages back. Magnum swaps are kind of old news, and all of the best info here is buried several pages back.
Hey JD, were you able to get the wiring all worked out and get the engine running? I’m planning to install the mpfi back onto the 5.9 in my Duster. Thanks