2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

Most the pictures I guess I already have but I went and took a couple more to make sure I gave you the right measurements..
First it looks like I used 1 and 1/2 by 2 and 1/2. You can choose your thickness. They were four feet long to start. and I did this filet cut to add more welding surface to the front. At the rear I made three simple cuts and opened up like a mouth to receive the rectangle stock. I shoved it in there and then pulled it forward to wear it grabbed onto the front frame.
IMG_20190215_190339.jpg IMG_20190215_190327.jpg IMG_20190111_081016.jpg IMG_20190111_081001.jpg ^^^filet along the dotted line and you will have six sides to weld for strength instead of four sides, it more encapsulates...
I think I had $37 into the Steelyard for a 10-footer that they cut into two 4ft pieces forI th and I had the two footer left over the time now used on a sled deck and have this piece left over LOL
now you know why I preach that you can buy an $89 Harbor Freight welder a $50 helmet it $5 pair of gloves and $37 in metal stock and still not have much into those $200 ones they send to your door that everybody recommend you weld on anyways LOL